The study and assignment of reinforcement costs for projects in the New Services Queue are coordinated together regardless of the type of project which is proposed. This requires that the analytical methods, dispatch, and thresholds for participation in the designation of reinforcement requirements be coordinated so as to provide a means to allocate costs for the final upgrades. Due to the means by which the impacts of different projects are calculated there is an opportunity for certain types of projects, specifically Long Term Firm Transmission Service, to avoid participation in the calculations which establish the need for reinforcements. The aggregation of the impacts from multiple Long Term Transmission Service Requests would require reinforcement where the individual projects are not assigned the need. This would result in the base line studies identifying the need for transmission reinforcements in the future year studies which are due to the aggregation of the Long Term Transmission Service Request impacts to the system, requiring the load customers and Transmission Owners to fund future upgrades as a result.