Committees & Groups

Data Management Subcommittee

The Data Management Subcommittee (DMS) reports to the Operating Committee and System Operations Subcommittee and supports both generation owners and transmission owners through the DMS Joint (generator & transmission) and DMS Confidential groups.

Chair (DMS Confidential): Jeff Schmitt
Chair (DMS Joint): Suzie Fahr
Secretary: Joelle Tomasello

During the meeting, if you are experiencing issues with connectivity or teleconference, please contact Meeting Support. For registration issues, contact PJM.

DMS Joint

DMS Joint shares metrics related to communication infrastructure, and addressing Electrical Model System (EMS) compliance and system management standards.
Workplace  - meeting materials and registration

DMS-Joint Roster PDF | Updates

DMS Confidential

DMS Confidential supports PJM and each individual transmission member company electrical model updates

PJM Connect - meeting materials and other confidential information
Workplace  - meeting materials and registration

DMS-Confidential Roster PDF

Synchrophasor Data Quality Group

Workplace - meeting materials


System Changes Schedule: Web Calendar | Add to your calendar
Model Build Schedule PDF
How to Join DMS-Joint & DMS-Confidential PDF
Charter PDF

Materials submitted to PJM by PJM Members or any other stakeholder for posting on shall not imply support or endorsement by PJM Interconnection.