
Meeting Details

Meeting details and materials are provided below. If registration is open, you can update your attendance preferences below. You will receive notification via email upon registration and when updates are made to the meeting, such as a time or location change.

Planning Committee

June 06, 2023
Planning Committee

Meeting Materials

05.31.2023 Agenda PDF
05.31.2023 Agenda-doc DOC
05.14.2023 Draft Minutes - PC - 05.09.2023 PDF
05.30.2023 Item 04A - CIR Transfer Problem Statement PDF
05.30.2023 Item 04B - CIR Transfer Issue Charge PDF
06.06.2023 Item 04C - CIR Transfer Approved Issue Charge - post-meeting PDF
05.30.2023 Item 04 - Enhancing CIR Transfer Efficiency PDF
05.30.2023 Item 05 - 2023 RRS Assumptions PDF
05.30.2023 Item 05A - 2023 RRS Assumptions Document PDF
05.30.2023 Item 05B - 2023 RRS Assumptions Table PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06A - Manual Updates - Executive Summary PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06B - M14A - Clean PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06C - M14A - Redline PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06D - M14B - Clean PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06E - M14B - Redline PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06F - M14C - Clean PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06G - M14C - Redline PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06H - M14E - Clean PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06I - M14E - Redline PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06J - M14G - Clean PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06K - M14G - Redline PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06L - M20 - Clean PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06 - Manual Updates - Presentation PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06M - M20 - Redline PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06N - M21 - Clean PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06O - M21 - Redline PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06P - M21A - Clean PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06Q - M21A - Redline PDF
05.30.2023 Item 06R - M14H - Clean PDF
05.30.2023 Item 07 - PPL FERC 715 Update PDF
05.30.2023 Item 08 - Transmission & Substation Subcommittee Update PDF
06.06.2023 Item 09 - Reliability Compliance Update PDF
07.13.2023 Minutes PDF
06.07.2023 20230606-posting-score-card XLS