
Meeting Details

Meeting details and materials are provided below. If registration is open, you can update your attendance preferences below. You will receive notification via email upon registration and when updates are made to the meeting, such as a time or location change.

Market Implementation Committee

February 08, 2023
Market Implementation Committee

Meeting Materials

02.03.2023 Agenda PDF
02.03.2023 Agenda-doc DOC
02.01.2023 Draft Meeting Minutes - MIC Special Session - 1.13.2023 PDF
02.07.2023 Draft Minutes - MIC - 1.11.2023 PDF
02.01.2023 Informational Only - 2023 MIC Work Plan PDF
02.01.2023 Informational Only - Fast Start Capable Request Process PDF
02.01.2023 Informational Only - Interregional Coordination Update PDF
02.03.2023 Informational Only - January 2023 Reserve Price Formation Update PDF
02.01.2023 Informational Only - January Stability Limit Summary XLS
02.01.2023 Informational Only - Net Energy Injections Quarterly Review PDF
02.01.2023 Informational Only - Unit Specific Adjustment Process PDF
02.01.2023 Item 02-1 Manual 27 Revisions - PJM Settlement PDF
02.01.2023 Item 02-2 - Manual 27 Revisions - PJM Settlement - Executive Summary PDF
02.01.2023 Item 02-3 - Manual 27 Revisions - PJM Settlement - Redline PDF
02.01.2023 Item 02-4 - Manual 27 Revisions - PJM Settlement - Clean PDF
02.01.2023 Item 03A-1 - Performance Impact Of Multi-Schedule Model in Market Clearing Engine with Configuration Based Models PDF
08.04.2023 Item 03A-1 - Performance Impact Of Multi-Schedule Model in Market Clearing Engine with Configuration Based Models - Post Meeting PDF
02.01.2023 Item 03A-2 - Performance Impact of Multi-Schedule Model in MCE for ECC Model - Problem Statement PDF
02.01.2023 Item 03A-3 - Performance Impact of Multi-Schedule Model in MCE for ECC Model - Issue Charge PDF
02.08.2023 Item 03A-3 - Performance Impact of Multi-Schedule Model in MCE for ECC Model - Issue Charge - Revised Clean PDF
02.08.2023 Item 03A-3 - Performance Impact of Multi-Schedule Model in MCE for ECC Model - Issue Charge - Revised Redline PDF
02.02.2023 Item 03B-1 IMM Multi-Schedule Selection Paper Response PDF
02.01.2023 Item 03B-2 - Offer Capping and Parameter Mitigation - Issue Charge PDF
02.01.2023 Item 04-1 - Manual 11 Periodic Review PDF
02.01.2023 Item 04-2 - Manual 11 Periodic Review - Executive Summary PDF
02.02.2023 Item 04-3 - Manual 11 Periodic Review - Redline PDF
02.02.2023 Item 04-4 - Manual 11 Periodic Review - Clean PDF
02.01.2023 Item 05-1 - Periodic Review of Default CONE and ACR Values PDF
02.01.2023 Item 05-2 - OATT Attachment DD.5.14 and DD.6.4 - Redline PDF
02.01.2023 Item 05-3 - OATT Attachment DD.5.14 and DD.6.4 - Clean PDF
02.01.2023 Item 05-4 - BrattleSL PJM ACR Report PDF
02.01.2023 Item 06 - Local Considerations for Net CONE - Options & Packages Matrix XLS
02.08.2023 Item 06 - Local Considerations for Net CONE - Options & Packages Matrix - Post-Meeting XLS
02.01.2023 Item 07B-1- PJM Co-located Load Package PDF
02.01.2023 Item 07B-2 - Capacity Offer Opportunities for Generation with Co-located Load - Options & Packages Matrix XLS
02.01.2023 Item 08 - ARR FTR 2023-2024 Annual Update PDF
02.01.2023 Item 09 - CDS February 2023 Update PDF
02.01.2023 Item 10 - Synchronized Reserve Performance PDF
02.08.2023 Item 11 - PAI Unit-Specific Request Process - Updated PDF
02.02.2023 Item 12 - PAI Billing Timeline PDF
02.01.2023 Item 13 - MSOC Revision Options PDF
03.09.2023 Minutes PDF