Markets & Operations


The PJM Voting Application facilitates voting at:

  • Senior Task Forces
  • Market Implementation Committee (MIC)
  • Operating Committee (OC)
  • Planning Committee (PC)
  • Risk Management Committee (RMC)
  • Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)
  • Members Committee (MC)

Streamlining quorum establishment, vote tallying and reporting, the tool also allows both on-site and remote meeting attendees to cast votes for agenda items presented to the membership for voting. In order to use the tool, an individual must be on the roster for that committee or be designated as a voter for a specific meeting by a roster member (proxy). They must also have a PJM account with Voting read/write access.

Production: Sign In | Register
Train Environment: Sign In | Register

Acceptable Terms of Use
Data connections should not exceed 600 per minute.

Release Notes
Voting Application Training Slides PDF
Roster Manager User Guide PDF
Roster Manager Quick Guide PDF
Roster Manager Overview Video WEB