Markets & Operations

Bulletin Board

The Bulletin Board facilitates power contracting activity. The application is available to the public through sponsorship by the ISO/RTO Council in order to provide users with access to a larger pool of buyers and sellers of contracts for electric power. The Bulletin Board allows users to view, post and modify requests to buy or offers to sell power. PJM and the ISO/RTO Council are not a party to any contracts that result from postings on this bulletin board and such contracts will not be settled via ISO/RTO settlements.

Production: Sign In | Register for an account: User | System
Train: Sign In | Register for an account: User | System

Acceptable Terms of Use
Data connections should not exceed 600 per minute.

PKI Certificates & Two-Step Verification Browserless/API PDF 
Browserless Authentication Guide PDF
Command Line Interface - Java 8+ ZIP - recommended version for most users | Checksums: SHA2 | SHA3  7.19.2023

Authorization Forms

Authorization Form A1 PDF – authorization for non-PJM members/market participants for use of PJM bilateral power contracting Bulletin Board

Update Company Account Managers (CAM)

Update Voting or Affiliate Member CAM (All Tools)
Update Other or Non-Member CAM