Markets & Operations

DR Hub Release Notes

System Requirements

Release August 2024

Release Dates

Train: 8.1.2024

About This Release

This release has enhancements for Monitor Polling, Meter Data validation (Web Services only) and the addition of the Test Date start time on the DR Test Schedule, as well as a number of administrative bug fixes.

Existing Feature Improvements:

  • Modifications to Monitor Polling
    • Monitoring of polling will now occur at the event-type level to more accurately send emails when polling stops
    • CSPs will now receive emails based on the specific event-type when polling is stopped
    • CSPs will be able to view which event-types are being monitored for their account in the Accounts and Users tab
    • Contact if you no longer have registrations in an event type and do not need to be notified when polling stops
  • Modifications to Web Services Meter Data Upload Error Handling
    • A validation will now be performed on the field and a new error message will be generated if the GMT offset does not indicate the beginning of the reading date
    • New error message:
      Reading date must be start of the day with correct GMT offset.
    • Example:
      Incorrect GMT offset: 2024-05-20T00:00:00.000-00:00
                                     or 2024-05-20T00:00:00.000-05:00
      Correct GMT offset: 2024-05-20T00:00:00.000-04:00
  • DR Test Schedule Modification (posted here)
    • The start time of the test will be added to the Test Date.
    • The time will be visible the day after the event occurred.

Existing Feature Improvements:

Monitor Polling Bug - CSPs will get an email every 24 hours if polling has not resumed, instead of only the first 24 hours.

Previous Releases

March 2024

Release Dates
Training: 4.3.2024
Production: 4.3.2024

About This Release

This release is to update how Load Management and Price Responsive Demand Tests and Re-Tests are confirmed and compliance records created after the Delivery Year has ended.

New Features:

  • A new button has been added to the Event search page labeled “Test Confirmation” with two dropdown choices: LM Tests and PRD Tests
    • The new screen lists all Test and Re-Test Summary events already completed, sorted by Zone, Test Type and Lead Time. All Test and any Re-Tests are grouped together if they need to be confirmed together when they are considered to be one Test regardless of Lead Time or Summer Only designation.
    • On June 1st after the delivery year ends, all Tests will be selected automatically and compliance records created for registrations that still have “Test Required” checked.
    • Between June 1st and July 14th, the CSP may select Re-Test(s) they would like included in their performance assessment. Compliance records will be created overnight.
    • The process to upload meter data for the compliance records has not changed.

Existing Feature Improvements:

  • Optional change to Web Services for retrieving registration data
    • The payload will now include the flag for Under Duplicate Review.
    • The field is informational only and does not need to be included in the payload to update a registration
    • A new xsd is available with this field

February 2024

Release Dates
Training: 2.14.2024
Production: 2.14.2024

About This Release

This release allows Load Management registrations to be marked Completed without requiring a Winter Peak Load/Winter Nominated ICAP.

Existing Feature Improvements:

  • Annual Load Management registrations without WPL information
    • if the Winter Peak Load is blank (null) and Summer Only is not checked, the Completed checkbox may now be checked after a popup box to confirm the user will not be entering a Winter Nominated ICAP: "The Winter Peak Load does not have a value, therefore the Winter Nominated ICAP is zero for this registration" (Confirm/Cancel buttons)
    • The “Summer Only” checkbox should only be checked if the registration is linked to a Summer Only commitment in RPM.

Bug Fixes and Steps to Recreate:

CSP and PJM Retest requests now allow the user to select a registration when clicking near the checkbox as well as directly in the checkbox. 2. The CSV download on both the Compliance Search and Energy Settlement Search no longer contains duplicate records.

October 2023

Release Dates
Training: 10.4.2023
Production: 10.4.2023

About This Release

This release fixes an issue with calculating the CBL on Emergency Test Energy Settlements and with downloading Test Emergency Events prior to 6.1.2023.

Operations Updates

  • Emergency Test Energy settlements were incorrectly calculating the CBL when there was an Economic Energy settlement on the same day.
  • Test Emergency Events prior to June 1, 2023 were not able to be downloaded through Web Services or XML when there was more than one event with the same Event Date and Start Date.

July 2023

Release Dates
Training: 7.25.2023
Production: 7.25.2023

About This Release

This release focuses on the Retest portion of the Test/Retest process that became effective on 6.1.2023.

New Features

PJM Retest

  • If a CSP determines that it met <=75% of the resource commitment in a zone that has been fully tested (every registration tested with a ‘Test Required’ checkmark), the CSP may request a one-time PJM Retest within 46 days of the last completed Test. The Retest may only include the registration(s) that did not meet their Nominated ICAP (Summer or Winter depending on original Test season). Details are in these training slides PDF.
    • CSP requests a PJM Retest and indicates which registrations are to be included in the PJM Retest.
    • If the CSP has selected registrations that were tested in both Summer and Winter, there will be two separate PJM Retest requests, one for each season.
    • PJM schedules the PJM Retest(s) during the same season(s) as the registration(s) selected.
    • The day before the scheduled Retest(s), the CSP will see the RE-TEST Load Management Summaries (or RE-TEST Price Responsive Demand Summary) records on the Event Search page and receive an email notification if CSP has signed up. The Start Times will not be visible.
    • The CSP will receive electronic notification (Web Services) dispatch at the notify time of the Retests as well as an email notification.

CSP Retest

  • If a CSP determines that it met > 75% of the resource commitment in a zone that has been fully tested (every registration tested with a ‘Test Required’ checkmark), the CSP may schedule CSP Retest(s). The CSP Retest(s) may only include the registration(s) that did not meet their Nominated ICAP (Summer or Winter depending on original Test season). Details are in these training slides PDF.
    • CSP schedules a CSP Retest at least 48 hours prior to the start of the CSP Retest.
    • CSP selects which registrations to include in the CSP Retest.
    • CSP may cancel a scheduled test at least 48 hours prior to the start of the CSP Retest.
    • CSP may schedule as many CSP Retests as desired.
    • If a CSP has selected registrations that must be tested in both Summer and Winter, there will be multiple RE-TEST Load Management Summaries depending on season and also for applicable Lead Times.

Web Services: a new tag has been included in the Retest downloads to indicate if the retestType is PJM or CSP. The new tag was added to the XSD in the May 2023 release.

May 2023

Release Dates
Training: 5.25.2023
Production: 5.25.2023

About This Release

New Test/Retest requirement and supporting DR Hub enhancements beginning June 1, 2023. DR Testing requirements for Load Management and Price Responsive Demand are significantly changing in the upcoming Delivery Year, effective June 1, 2023. CSPs will no longer schedule their own tests. PJM will schedule and notify CSPs of their Test Dates starting June 1, 2023 The tests will be conducted on a zonal basis including all CSPs.

New Features

  • Load Management Tests and Price Responsive Demand Tests will no longer be scheduled by the CSP, but will be scheduled by PJM. Details are in these training slides
    • Notice of the Test Window will be posted on this web page one week in advance by 10 am and emails will be generated to the affected CSPs.
    • The Test Window will be open for two weeks and a zonal test(s) will be scheduled within the window.
    • Notice of the Test will be posted by 10 am the day before the test at the above website and emails will be generated to the affected CSPs.
    • At the time of the Test Event day posting, the CSP can see the Test on the Events Search page, but will not see the time of the Test.
    • When the Lead Time for the Test Event begins, the CSP will get an electronic notification of the Test Event. Web Services will be required to obtain the start and ending times of all tests. The times will be included in the payload received during the normal 24/7 one minute polling. It is imperative that your company is polling and monitoring the responses from DR Hub. Note: The payloads received for Test Events are different than the payloads received for Load Management events.
    • One PJM Retest may be requested once all Test Events for the CSP in a zone are completed.
    • CSP Retest requests will be available in the upcoming June 2023 release.
  • Test Emergency Energy settlements are generated for each Load Management DR Full registration that participated in a Test or Retest event.

Bug Fixes and Steps to Recreate

Removed MOPR code that prevented checking the Completed box on some Load Management registrations.

December 2022

Release Dates
Training: 12.1.2022
Production: 12.6.2022

About This Release

Bug fix for Web Services.

Bug Fixes and Steps to Recreate

Web Services – Acknowledgeable Load Management Events in Completed status were corrected to display the event end date in the payload. The field had been inadvertently removed in the previous release.

December 2022

Release Dates
Training: 12.1.2022
Production: 12.6.2022

About This Release

This release prepares for the 2023/2024 Delivery Year Load Management registration window.

Existing Feature Improvements
  • The fields used for MOPR are no longer needed after the 2022/2023 Delivery Year
    • The MOPR fields on all Load Management registrations have been removed.
    • The MOPR Data tab under the Registration Search tab has been removed.
    • The MOPR data for the current and prior Delivery Years have been preserved in the database and are available to PJM if the need should arise to report on them in the future.
  • Web Services
    • The Load Management MOPR registration fields are no longer returned in the registration payload.

October 2022

Release Dates
Training: 9.30.2022
Production: 10.1.2022

About This Release

This release completes the new Reserve Markets changes scheduled for October 1, 2022.

New Features
  • Economic registrations have a new Market choice: Secondary Reserve. When selected, a new tab opens for Secondary Reserve documentation upload and for PJM to select the Area (MAD or RTO) as well as SCADA Tested and Verified if the user chooses Flexible. Before the registration participates in Secondary Reserve market, PJM must verify the data submitted by the CSP, similar to the verification of other Ancillary Services.
  • A new Compliance Type has been added for Secondary Reserve. Meter data must be uploaded for 30 minutes prior to the dispatch notification to 30 minutes after the resource has been released.
  • A compliance task will be added in a future release to advise CSP of any Secondary Reserve Compliance records.
  • Synchronized Reserve events have been modified to accept the active sub-zone, instead of only accepting MAD.
  • Web Services
    • There is a new XSD posted on the DR Hub web page.
    • Secondary Reserve fields have been added to the Registration, which can only be retrieved and not updated by the CSP.

Bug Fixes and Steps to Recreate
  • Allow CSP to upload Ancillary Services documentation while registration status is Pending and PJM Pending
  • Web Services - Updated all Event types to use Event Date instead of Start Date and End Date of Event when downloading events by date range.

August 2022

Release Dates
Training: 8.3.2022
Production: 8.3.2022

About This Release

This release has three bug fixes as well as maintenance items that do not impact users.

Bug Fixes and Steps to Recreate

These Price Responsive Demand features apply to both the User Interface and Web Services:

  • Sub-zonal Load Management Event emails are sent to CSPs with dispatched registrations once per event, not one email for each registration.
  • Economic settlements now display buttons during the entire Due Date. The missing buttons were ‘Upload Meter Data’, ‘CBL Calc’, ‘Submit’ and ‘Withdraw’.
  • Web Services can now set registration batchLoad field on Economic registrations.

April 2022

Release Dates
Training: 3.22.2022
Production: 4.5.2022

About This Release

This release is focused on regulatory enhancements for Price Responsive Demand.

New Features

These Price Responsive Demand features apply to both the User Interface and Web Services:

  • Registration: The Summer Nominated ICAP is calculated using Firm Service Level instead of MESL starting on 6/1/2022.
  • Events: PRD Events will now be available in the User Interface and Web Services. A Price Responsive Demand Summary Event is created the day after the LMP has exceeded the Markets Gateway offer at a pricing point. There must be at least four contiguous 5-minute intervals to create an event. For each segment, the PRD Event will display the LMP, Marginal Cost (offer) and PAI flag.
  • Compliance: PRD Compliance records will be created for each PRD Event date.

Price Responsive Demand in DR Hub and Markets Gateway PDF

September 2021

Release Dates
Training: 9.16.2021
Production: 9.16.2021

About This Release

This release is focused on automation of the Normal Operations review that is currently performed manually. All economic energy settlements that are associated with a generator or battery, will now be evaluated hour-by-hour to determine if the Retail Rate is greater than the Cost to run the unit. If so, that settlement hour will be unchecked (will not be settled). If all hours on a settlement are unchecked, a Resource Outage for that date will be created automatically.

New Features

These features apply to both the User Interface and Web Services. If you use Web Services to create, modify, or view registrations, you will need to use the new XSD.

  • Registration: if a registration is associated with a generator or battery, the CSP will be able to update 5 new fields that will be the default values used when creating an economic energy settlement. The fields include: Retail Rate Type (Fixed Rate, RTLMP, DALMP, Other), Delivery ($/kWh), Supply ($/kWh), Fuel Cost ($/MWh) and Variable O&M ($/MWh).
  • Settlement: Economic energy settlements that are associated with a registration that has a generator or battery, will now display the following fields on the right side of the hourly matrix: Delivery, Supply, Fuel Cot and VOM. The CSP may modify the values of these fields, except if the Supply is derived from RT or DA LMP. When the settlement is submitted for EDC Review, comparison of Retail Rate to Cost will be performed. If Retail Rate is greater greater than the Cost to run the unit, the hour will be unchecked. If all hours on a settlement are unchecked, a Resource Outage for that date will be created automatically.

Economic Demand Side Response Training PDF

April 2021

Release Dates
Training: 4.8.2021
Production: 4.22.2021

About This Release

The maintenance to the MOPR Registry Data in the DR Hub database has been automated. The maintenance has no impact on any MOPR functionality. The EDC Registration Review task has been modified to allow the EDC to review and approve/deny the LSE field on economic registrations.

Existing Feature Improvements

  • The process to copy MOPR data to the MOPR Registry after the start of the Delivery Year is now automated.
  • For Economic registrations, the EDC Registration Review and EDC Registration Extension tasks now allows the EDC to review and approve or deny the LSE field. This does not eliminate the LSE Registration Review task, but does allow the CSP to easily submit the registration for review to the correct LSE.

Bug Fixes & Next Steps to Recreate

  • On the MOPR Data screen, there is no longer an error message when the fields are sorted or filtered.
  • Registration History no longer creates duplicate records.

February 2021

Release Dates
Training: 2.11.2021
Production: 2.25.2021

About This Release

This release adds additional MOPR functionality for Mass Market (Utility Residential) Load Management registrations.

MOPR Data Subpage

MOPR for Mass Market (Utility Residential customers) – this only applies to Load Management registrations where Utility Residential has been checked on the registration’s location to indicate it is an aggregation of residential customers.

  • Utilities with Mass Market customers will keep track of their residential customers’ MOPR data for each residence outside of DR Hub. After summing the data to the registration level, the CSP will enter the MOPR data directly into all the MOPR Data fields. An additional question has been added to indicate if any of their customer’s Nominated ICAP has exceeded their Historic Exempt.
  • Web Services has been modified for the additional MOPR question.

December 2020

Release Dates
Training: 12.7.2020
Production: 12.15.2020

About This Release

This release is a modification to the Minimum Offer Price Rule (MOPR) process, and includes a change to when and how a CSP can see MOPR Registry data and MOPR fields on a registration. A new Web Services endpoint has been established to allow the CSP to download their confirmed registration’s MOPR Registry data.

New Features

MOPR Data Subpage

  • A new subpage is now available, which can be accessed from the Registration tab. This subpage will display MOPR Registry data for any of the CSP’s confirmed registrations.This includes registrations in the current delivery year, and any confirmed registrations for the next delivery year.
  • A new Web Services endpoint is available which will download the MOPR Registry data.
Existing Feature Improvements

MOPR fields on a registration will only display once the registration is Confirmed. Registrations may only be submitted for EDC Review and Confirmed if the CSP has a valid contract with the end-use customer.

October 2020

Release Dates
Training: 10.20.2020
Production: 10.29.2020

About This Release

This release is to support Minimum Offer Price Rule (MOPR). The changes only affect Load Management registrations that may be used for the Pre-Registration process in any RPM auctions going forward. A new Web Services XSD has been published that must be used by any CSP that would like to update/view the new MOPR fields.

New Features

Minimum Offer Price Rule (MOPR)

  • PJM will track location data across CSPs in a MOPR Registry and track Exempt kW, Existing kW and New kW limits for use in populating registration fields to be used in upcoming RPM auction pre-registration activities.
  • Load Management registrations created for the 2021/2022 Delivery Year and after will have new MOPR fields in the Capacity Section.
    • DR Gen/DR Load: When the Nominated Summer ICAP field is populated, DR Hub will split the Summer Nominated ICAP based on the ratio of the location’s Generator kW (if any) and Maximum Load Reduction Capability kW. CSPs will have the ability to modify the ratio of DRLoad to DRGen.
    • Exempt, Existing, and New for both DRLoad and DRGen as well as State Subsidy and Competitive Exemption are populated according to the data in the MOPR Registry.
  • Load Management registrations will be restricted to one location per registration.
  • A new Web Services XSD is available which includes these new fields.

July 2020

Release Dates
Training: 8.18.2020
Production: 8.27.2020

About This Release
This release is for the annual CSP Normal Operations Self-Certification Task specific to any CSP with Economic DR registrations in the Energy Market and an overall technology framework upgrade. The framework upgrade impacts the color scheme of the user interface and is part of a phased project to refresh the look and feel of all PJM applications. Additional changes to the look and feel will be made in a later release.

New Features

CSP Normal Operations Self Certification Task

  • On an annual basis, all CSPs that have at least one confirmed economic registration will receive a CSP Normal Operations Self-Certification Task.
    • Only one task will be issued for each CSP
    • An email will be sent to each CSP with the Due Date, which is 10 business days from the creation date, and if needed, a reminder email is sent two days prior to the Due Date
    • Any CSP that does not accept the Normal Operations Self-Certification by the Due Date will not be able to submit settlements until the CSP accepts the Self-Certification
Existing Feature Improvements

Technology framework upgrade

  • The color scheme of all of the DR Hub screens has been modified to the new PJM standard. The functionality remains the same.
  • A new feature in the header of each screen is the Session Expiration time. It displays the total time remaining in your PJM Tools session, which is different from the application’s timeout due to inactivity. The user must log out and log back in to reset this expiration.

May 2020

Release Dates
Training: 5.19.2020
Production: 5.28.2020

About This Release
This release is for Price Responsive Demand functionality related to PRD Compliance Events and Compliance records, as well as PRD interfaces with Capacity Exchange and Markets Gateway.

New Features
PRD Event Compliance
  • When a PRD Offer at a pnode is exceeded by the LMP at the pnode and a Max Generation Emergency Event has been called for the same time period, PRD must reduce to the MESL (Maximum Energy Service Level) on the DR Hub registration.
  • If a PRD compliance event has occurred, PRD Compliance records will be created for each registration that was effective on the event date for the pnode(s).
  • PRD Providers have the ability to upload and download Price Responsive Demand meter data directly on the Compliance record, on the Meter Data screen (bulk load) and by Web Services.
  • Validation of PRD meter data occurs if the upload occurs on the Compliance record screen or when the compliance validation job runs. Validation includes correct event date, all 24 hours of meter data are present, headings are correct, etc.
  • Finalized PRD Interfaces with Capacity Exchange and Markets Gateway.

Bug Fixes and Steps to Recreate
Email notifications are no longer sent to inactive users.

April 2020

Release Dates
Training: 4.16.2020
Production: 4.23.2020

About This Release
The release is for Price Responsive Demand functionality related to Test Compliance and PRD interfaces with Capacity Exchange and Markets Gateway.

New Features
PRD Event Compliance
CSP can confirm Test and Re-Test events in the UI during the Test/Re-Test confirmation period.
Compliance records are created the following night after confirmation.
Implemented PRD interfaces with Capacity Exchange and Markets Gateway.

Bug Fixes and Steps to Recreate
CSP able to edit energy loss factor when Economic registration is Confirmed
When CSP is the same Accunt as the EDC or LSE, the registration data that can be viewed is the same as the CSP role and is not limited to the EDC/LSE role.

March 2020

Release Dates
Training: 2.27.2020
Production: 3.20.2020

About This Release
This release is for new Price Responsive Demand functionality related to Testing.

New Features
Implementation of Testing for Price Responsive Demand:
CSP can create/update Test and Re-Test PRD Events in both UI and Web Services
When PRD Event’s lead time is reached, registration-level PRD Events are created
CSP can acknowledge the events through Web Services
Polling client has been updated to acknowledge PRD Events

A new XSD and CLI have been posted for the new PRD fields. This only applies to PRD Providers. Non-PRD CSPs do not need to use the new XSD.

January 2020

Release Dates
Training: 1.14.2020
Production: 1.14.2020

About This Release
The release is for bug fixes to Load Management Reports and the Duplicate Review Process.

Bug Fixes and Steps to Recreate
  • The Resources Linked to Registrations Report has been updated to correctly calculate the Difference Annual MW
  • The DR Registration Orphan Report has been updated to display registration MW in the same format as the Resources Linked to Registrations Report
  • The Duplicate Review Process has been corrected to allow duplicate Economic registrations to be submitted when there is a Load Management Capacity Only registration after the Delivery Year has started

December 2019

Release Dates
Training: 12.11.2019
Production: 12.19.2019

About This Release
The focus of this release is implementation of Summer-Period Only Load Management registrations and bug fixes related to Load Management registrations.

Existing Feature Improvements
User Interface
Capacity Section for Load Management registrations:
New checkbox “Summer Only”. If checked, the Winter Peak Load will not be required to check the “Completed” checkbox. The Winter Managed Load will be grayed out.
If Peak Load Contribution is zero, the Summer Nominated ICAP will calculate to zero.
The Resources Linked to Registrations Report has been updated to display the Auction Resource Commitment for any Summer Period DR (on June 1st) and the Annual CP DR (November 1st) of the Delivery Year.

Web Services Web Services now supports the “Summer Only” checkbox on Load Management registrations. A new XSD will be published but it will only be needed if your company registers a location and does not need to calculate a Winter Nominated ICAP.

Bug Fixes and Steps to Recreate
Resources Linked to Registrations Report will round to the same decimal place to match Capacity Exchange
When registration is marked “Completed” immediately after selecting the RPM Auction Resource, the RPM Auction Resource is no longer set to null
When registration is marked “Completed”, the RPM Auction Resource will be required

Demand Response Subcommittee DR Hub Update
XSD: Web Services section

October 2019

Release Dates
Training: 10.29.2019
Production: 10.31.2019

About This Release
The focus of this release is implementing the Price Responsive Demand registration process.

User Interface
The registration process has been updated to include Price Responsive Demand.
The EDC Registration Review task now displays the LSE short name from the registration.

Web Services Web Services now supports the registration process for the Price Responsive Demand program. A new XSD will be published but it will only be needed if your company is registering Price Responsive Demand in the next Delivery Year.

May 2019

Release Dates
Production: 5.21.2019

User Interface
In order to improve usability and provide additional transparency for both participants and dispatch, the following changes have been made: 1) some additional information has been added to the Dispatch Lambda page, and 2) the functionality on the Unit Detail page with respect to Price Based Units has been clarified.

New Features
New Location Interconnection Agreement fields for Generators and Batteries - Agreement Type (required), Injection Rights (MW) - New CBL Review process when a location has an Interconnection Agreement Bug fix for report “Resources Linked To Registrations Report” to correctly display positions after a replacement transaction has been completed in Capacity Exchange Web Services - New XSD to support new Location Interconnection Agreement fields for Generators and Batteries

March 2019

Release Dates
Production: 3.14.2019

User Interface
Load Management Test and Re-Test events scheduled by CSPs will create test events, with appropriate lead time, to be acknowledged through Web Services. Load Management Test and Re-Test events scheduled by CSPs will create test events, with appropriate lead time, to be acknowledged through Web Services No changes to creating compliance records to Test and Re-Test events Registrations terminated through the Duplicate Review process have a new status “Terminated-Duplicate” to make it easier to identify and resubmit Compliance Search screen now has a .csv download

Web Services
New XSD to support TEST Load Management events (registration-level events) Renamed endpoints to create TEST Load Management Summary events New endpoints to acknowledge TEST Load Management events (new registration-level events) The unsupported Web Services polling client was updated to include the new endpoints for TEST and RE-TEST Load Management events

December 2018

Release Dates
Production: 12.20.2018

User Interface Seasonal Aggregation On 2019/2020 Load Management registrations, the Annual ICAP field has been removed as the CSPs nomination will be calculated at the RPM Resource level. The Resources Linked to Registrations Report and the DR Registration Orphan Report have been updated to show the Summer and Winter Nominated ICAP for Capacity Performance registrations and Summer Nominated ICAP for Base registrations. The Resources Linked to Registrations Report shows all confirmed Load Management registrations with a linked RPM DR Resource and compares the CSP’s commitment on 6/1/2019 to the lesser of the sum of Summer and sum of Winter Nominated ICAPs on the registrations. Effective 6/1/2019, Load Management Events, Emergency Energy Settlements and Expected Reduction file validations will use the Summer or Winter ICAP values for CP registrations depending on the date (Summer is June through October and May, Winter is November through April). Web Services No XSD changes.

October 2018

Release Dates
Production: 10.16.2018

User Interface New Location fields Business Segment: “Multiple Dwelling Unit” added to dropdown Registration Input section new field: Max Load (kW) – Optional Field Generator Attributes Section Support for multiple generators (10 max) New fields – Required: Non-Retail BTMG, Backup Generator Only New fields – Optional: Nameplate (kW), Note (500 character limit) Battery Attributes Section New field – Required: Max Output (kW) New fields – Optional: Battery Capacity (kW 1C), Vintage, Chemistry, Type, Note (500 character limit) Automated Winter Peak Load (WPL) Calculation The CSP will no longer enter the WPL value on the registration, instead CSP will upload meter data and DR Hub will do the calculation Web Services Using the new XSD is required. Previous XSD is unsupported and may no longer work. Added support for new fields on the Location (see Location field details above) Added new endpoint to calculate Winter Peak Load after meter data has been uploaded (by registration id)

EDC Registration Review: 2 Day warning email to small EDCs incorrectly stated the registration would auto-confirm in 2 days instead of auto-deny Base registration incorrectly requiring a Winter Peak Load when updating the Summer Managed Load

June 2018

Release Dates
Production: 6.12.2018

Validate energy offers in Markets Gateway by using Max Load Reduction fields in DR Hub Allow CSPs to upload 5 minute meter data if they wish to permanently switch from hourly to 5 minutes meter data for a customer.

March 2018

Release Dates
Production: 3.13.2018

Web Services A new XSD has been released that allows retrieval and updates to the Winter Peak Load and associated fields for Capacity Performance Load Management registrations. The new XSD must be used for all Load Management registrations. More information is available in section “Web Service Definition & PJM Utilities” on this page. User Interface Reports now display the Base product-related RPM Auction Resources: ‘Resources Linked to Registrations Report’ and ‘DR Registration Orphan Report’.

July 2017

Release Dates
Production: 7.11.2017

Web Services New functionality to retrieve registration ids in Dispatch Groups. The following parameters may be used in any combination By Dispatch Group Name, full or partial name By Dispatch Group ID By Date/Time – returns registrations in the Dispatch Group as of a Date and Time. If no Date/Time is specified, the current Date/Time is used. User Interface: Dispatch Group Search page now has CSV and XML download buttons to return the list of registrations currently in the Dispatch Group

Compliance record validation Correction for Measurement Method = “GLD via Generation” now checks for GLD-Generation meter data in addition to Hourly_Load meter data Compliance record validation error messages are now limited to 425 character plus text to indicate there are more errors than displayed.

June 2017

Release Dates
Production: 6.29.2017

CBL Method: 3 Day Types with WSA (Weather Sensitive Adjustment). This CBL method is now supported in both the user interface and Web Services for the CBL Test, CBL Method, CBL Review and energy settlements. Dispatch Group Settlement Adjustments: Adjustments to Dispatch Group settlements display the correct status based on the underlying settlements. An expire button has been added to settlement adjustments to “cancel” the adjustment if needed. Overlapping economic and emergency energy settlements for registrations with the same locations: CBL handling has been corrected to take into account the other type of settlement’s event hours, both overlapping and non-overlapping hours.

Real-Time Dispatch emails – corrected unit of measure from MW to kW Real-Time and Synchronized Reserve detail screen - XML download now displays data Read-Only users – can no longer edit fields on the registration screen Load Management registrations - # of participants now displays the location’s Utility Residential number of participants

Web Services
New XSD to support CBL Method = WSA Support for document upload (Regulation, Synchronized Reserve, Utility Residential) Compliance and Compliance Validation