The PJM competitive planning process implements FERC Order 1000. The process affords non-incumbent transmission developers an opportunity to participate in the regional planning and expansion of the PJM bulk electric system. By publishing a set of criteria violations and soliciting solutions from competing transmission developers, PJM and FERC hope to encourage innovative, cost-effective and timely solutions to the challenges of building and maintaining a highly reliable electric system.
PJM will announce in the Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee (TEAC) its intention to solicit competitive solutions to identified planning needs. The “windows” for submitting such solutions fit into three categories and follow the 18-month and 24-month planning cycles as described in Manual 14F.
Pre-Qualified Entities
While not a requirement to propose competitive projects, an entity must obtain Designated Entity status in order to construct, own, operate, maintain and finance competitive planning projects. If your company hasn't been pre-qualified, request access to the Competitive Planner tool in order to apply for pre-qualification status.