Transmission Owner Guidelines
Transmission owner technical guidelines and recommendations are listed below and are published by the Transmission and Substation Subcommittee (TSS.)
The documents included here are still subject to PJM's review and may thus potentially change before being formally published pursuant to the Open Access Transmission Tariff WEB | PDF - Section 1.2C.
These documents were originally developed for PJM by the TSS member companies when PJM’s footprint matched the North American Reliability Corporation (NERC) MAAC region (contributing companies included AE, BGC, DPL, JCPL, MetEd, PECO, PENELEC, PEPCO, PPL and PSEG.) Many of these companies often reference these documents for their technical requirements and standards as defined in the PJM tariff. PJM now extends into multiple NERC regions. New members typically reference their own documents and therefore these documents no longer represent all of PJM. However, all PJM members are welcome to reference these documents.